Lester Cox is a Naturopath and Remedial Masseur who has been in practice since the early 1970’s. He developed his unique technique based on observation and feeling where the tissue is out of alignment. The technique has helped many thousands of patients who can readily attest to its effectiveness.
Lester Cox
Eric Katz
Eric has been a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist since 2007 and has been using the Lester Cox Technique since 2012. He has attended many workshops and had personal tuition from Lester and is one of three trainers authorised by Lester Cox to teach his technique to other practitioners.
“The beauty of this technique is, that it can be can be used in conjunction with other therapies ie. Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Massage etc to enhance treatments, or it can be used as a stand alone treatment.”
Debra Schnepper
Debra has been a practitioner since 1980 with qualifications in both Naturopathy and Osteopathy.
Debra was first introduced to the Lester Cox Technique in about 1997.
After attending numerous workshops and with personal tuition from Lester she successfully incorporated the Technique into her busy multi-modality clinic.
Debra is one of only two trainers authorised by Lester Cox to teach the technique to other practitioners.
Lester Cox Videos
The Lester Cox Technique is a soft tissue method of treating conditions involving almost the whole body, including the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, back, coccyx, hip, hamstrings, knees, calves, ankles toes and more.
Lester Cox developed this unique technique by feel, intuition and by comparing the side of the body functioning normally with the side that was not functioning. He then developed various techniques to ensure that the dysfunctional side had the same soft tissue positioning as the healthy functioning side
The resultant technique of literally moving the tendons, ligaments and cartilage developed and refined over thirty five years has been outstandingly successful with many thousands of patients able to attest its effectiveness.